Monday, July 25, 2011


The Blueberry season is in and boy, THERE ARE BLUEBERRIES EVERYWHERE!!! We occasionally stop and walk into the forest and pick a few to eat, they are literally everywhere! haha  random note.
Well, yet another week and holy cow, you all had a lot to say this week in your e-mails. Sounds like there is so much going on down there. This IS the Watson family that I am e-mailing to, right?! haha  I'm glad to hear that everyone is doing well. Hope it continues as long as we all keep the 'eye of faith.'
To sum up all my thoughts this week I guess I'll just say most of it all in one . . .
-Yay for blueberries, got Shannon's package ( THANK YOU!!), I saw the ocean . . .Baltic Sea, had splitz in Hyvinkää complete with service and ice-cream, and an ever increasing and progressing teaching pool here in Espoo.
There you have it, I should just close and call it a day, but I'll keep going just cuz I love ya. :P
We are still teaching a lot and we have even more teaching appointments scheduled already for this week. Most all of our investigators have shown some good progress and I'm excited and grateful for all that has been going down. We have a chinese investigator who still has her baptismal date set for next week! And then after church, a recent convert came up to us and told us that her daughter (standing at her side) also wants to learn, investigate, and be baptized, . . . sooo . . . . ''Aren't there some lessons or something she has to hear first . . does that sound alright . . .do you guys have time?'' haha. . . .we were all like . . . .''hmmm . . .i don't know, let me think about that for a second . . umm . . .YES!!!!!''  The church is great! We have been praying so that we will find more families to teach and more future priesthood holders and now we are being blessed for it.
Sorry, I really don't know what else to say about my week. . . . umm . . . .it really was great, but not much else to report on!
We had a District Meeting in which we learned about how to become better gospel studiers. We found an awesome quote in Preach My Gospel that reads,
'For you to grow in the gospel and stay on the path that leads to eternal life, you need to develop a habit of gospel study.''
. . . .WOW. In the middle of our hectic, busy lives, are we still taking time to study the precious truths that Our Father in Heaven has given us? . . and I don't mean just on Sundays. Maybe that could be a challenge to us all. . . to develop a habit of gospel study. Study is much much more than reading. It is searching, pondering, and diving into these resources which have been geven us. I know we can all do it, no matter who we are our what our circumstances may be. With Nephi I remind you that the Lord ALWAYS prepares a way to keep His commandments.
Thank you all for your love, your patience, and your time. I hope I can repay you all somehow because I have been tremendously blessed. 
Kiitos kaikesta and hyvää jatkoa.
Vanhin Watson

Monday, July 18, 2011

He taught by healing

Hei Fäm!! As always, it was good reading your e-mails this week and I already can't wait to read them next week! My week has been quite busy and always quite the roller-coaster as I try to work in a busy environment and with some willing investigators. As I look back on what has happened so far I just think of the quote by Pres. Monson, ''The Lord shapes the back to bear the burdens placed upon it.'' How true. The Lord's hand is evident in this work . . . I don't know how it could work any other way! I'll try to tell you about my week:


-Busy. We had lots'o'teaches and lots to plan for .  .an adjustment I am still getting used to, haha. Our investigators are doing well and we made a lot of good progress with all of them this week . . . .one even set a baptismal date!! She is the wife of a less-active member. She's Chinese and sooo willing and wanting to believe in God. We set a baptismal date with her as a goal and urged her to pray about it. We are still in the beginning stages and need to teach her A LOT before she can be baptized, but she is ready, and wants to learn. Another one of our investigators is from Nigeria, working here as a nurse. He is so ready to give-in to the Lord's will at a moments notice and also wants to know if this is true. It's amazing to see how he prioritizes his life, putting God first, then work and all else. We are teaching 2 families as well, one a french-only speaking family from the Congo. We brought a member along with us who served his mission in France back in the year 2000 I think . . . hasn't even spoken French since then, but he translated for us and did amazingly well! Me, taking 4 years of french in school, haha, counted to 20 and introduced myself in French  and that's about all I could remember, haha. The other family is half Finn half Peruvian. The mom makes us food everytime we come and we end up eating before and after our teach! Apparently Peruvians LOVE Jello, so she made us some. Someone should ask Uncle Eddy if he likes Jello, haha.

We had other teaches and experiences, but, in short, I think we are finally getting these people progressing and helping them understand what we do and why this is important.
-We have District Meetings every week down here, which is new for me. This past week happened to be the time that Pres. Rawlings and his wife and an AP accompanied us. We were able to have our first interviews with Pres. Rawlings, learn from him, and get to know this amazing man better. The man is so dedicated and trying soo hard to get off to a good start that everyone is taking notice, even the members. It really means a lot to us, and it wouldn't be possible without the miracle Pres and Sis Brown worked here earlier. The mission, and the work, continue to soar. 
   In district meeting we learned about how 'Jesus taught by healing.' That is how he got His 'investigators'. So the question was proposed, 'Are we 'healing' before we leave someone's presence, no matter who it may be?' My comp and I had a good experience in trying it out. We were tracting and a lady answers and says she's got her own beliefs and what not and was ready to shut the door. . . so I just quickly told her how we have a message about families and how we can live with them forever. At that moment her whole attitude changed and she started to cry, telling us that her young daughter just died. She reached into her pocket and showed us a picture she took on her cell phone of her daughters tomb-stone, with the sun setting in the background and a ray of sunshine cutting across the picture and resting on the tomb-stone. I testified to her that she will see her again. She thanked us sincerely and bid us good bye. It was such an amazing experience, one I never want to forget. Even though she said no, we were still able to 'heal' her broken heart before we left. 
   We learned about the story of Gideon told starting on the book of Judges 6. The Lord used him to defeat the Midionites not by using 22,000 men, or 10,000 men, but just 300. Just as the Lord is not using 500 missionaries, or 150 missionaries, but just 54 missionaries here in Finland to fight in God's Army. In both cases, the will of the Lord was and IS accomplished. 
   One last thought of something that I've learned recently is of the 'faith to serve' and the 'faith to accomplish' and how they are different. We all generally have the 'faith to serve' : callings, missions, etc. . . . we accept them and do it. But the 'faith to accomplish' is BEing your calling and DOing it with all energy of heart, might, mind, and strength. A missionary can serve, yes, but the goal is salvation for these people through the waters of baptism, eli, bringing them unto Christ . . .accomplishing. Is their any way we, personally, can 'accomplish' in our daily tasks, jobs, callings, etc rather than just doing them as we are told?   This thought has helped me . . . maybe it can help one of you. :P

It was quite the surprise when I get a call yesterday during my studies and Larry Call was on the other end, haha. He was sooo close to where I was and he didn't even know it, but they were already driving back to Helsinki when he called. It was good hearing from him and being able to relay a small messge a love to all of you through him.
tuota tuota . . . niin . . . .I need all your help to get me all signed up at BYU . . .since I won't be there to do it. Just a heads up.
I need to go. I love you. I love my mission. I love my Savior. Let us 'heal' as He did.
Vanhin Watson

PS           HAPPY BIRTHDAY EDEN AND SETH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I sent ya letters!

Monday, July 11, 2011


Alright I made it through my first full week in Espoo and I'm still alive! It's so wierd being in such a huge area, but I am adjusting well and I think I am finally getting to know how to get around. We had a good week, mixed with a few meetings and teaches. As a Zone we had a meeting titled, 'Meet the President' haha, classy huh. President and Sister Rawlings are awesome!! They are really getting started with a bang and I am already hearing comments from the members here that they are impressed. Pres Rawlings is eager to jump right in and waste no time. I'm sure everyone feels the same way about their Mission Presidents, but I've been blessed with the best ones. I'm excited to work along side him here in this great work. As I am also excited that we have a District Meeting and our first interviews with him this week!!!

So, on July 4th, an American family invited us over for a DA!! Ah, we were so excited and gratful for that opportunity! The dad works at the US Embassy here, so now he and his beautiful family are attending our ward. It was soo wierd being around so much Americans again . . . missionaries don't count, haha. We had hamburgers and hot-dogs and potato-salad, and Doritos, haha . . . (haven't seen those in a while), and more. So good! We all went around the table and mentioned something that we miss about America or that we are grateful for about America. So basically, we were trying hard NOT to get homesick that night, haha.
I bought a legit European suit!! I know that I already told you I did that a few months ago, but, turns out, I had the wrong size and the one I had was pretty much still American! haha  I'll send a picture.
It's still been pretty hot here, and I think it's been predicted that the rest of the summer is going to be hot and dry . . . yaaay. :\   My companion had a talk yesterday in church and his back was all wet while giving his talk, suit and all, because it was soo hot. NO AIR CONDITIONING!!!
It's a bit harder now-a-days to tell you about all the experiences and teaches that I have had during the past week because now there are just so much more of them! We have a handful of investigators that we are working with . . .all in the beginning stages still. It's been hard because the teaches last FOREVER because they have so many questions and we just get carried away and try the whole time to drift back on schedule and focus. But, I love these people. They are so willing and so nice! There is the family that is part Peruvian . . . they let us in, fed us pineapple and watermelon, listened to our teach, then fed us this amazing chili-stuffed potato stuff, then strawberry chesecake for desert!! Ah, they are so nice!! It was all unexpected. The mom's dad was visiting. He suffered a stroke so he can't use the left side of his body and it's hard for him to speak, so he just says 'Si' or 'No' and most of the time the family thinks he just doesn't understand anymore because he'll just say 'Si, No, Si Si, . . . . No.' But he sat in on our teach while the mom translated what we said into Spanish for her visiting cousin and dad. Every once in a while she would ask him if he believed that . . .and I'm telling you . . no lies . . . .the man said 'Si' EVERY time. he was so focused and you could tell he was interested . . . like on the inside he really wanted to participate. It was a good testimony builder for me that God prepares and loves ALL of His children, even the ones we sometimes set aside or take for granted. The mom even seems to remember that, as a child, her dad posessed a Book of Mormon and may have read it before.
Well, time is low again. I could still tell you about the drunk lady that worships idols and angels and doesn't get the 'water on the cows' thing in our religion (the baptismal font) hahaha. Or I could tell you about the District Meeting we had and my companions first experience with eating turkish Kebab. Or I could tell you about our teaches and some of our awesome investigators, one trying to discover God for the first time, another trying to follow Him. But, I think I'll leave you by sharing what I learned about the scriptures recently . . . . .
We learn in PMG that scriptures are records fo God's dealings with His children. Well, it occured to me that, well, there are SOOO many of us, and God deals with us all, that surely the records of God's dealings cannot be compacted all into ONE book!! I am soo grateful that we have more scripture from which we can learn from and enjoy! The Book of Mormon IS the word of God, just one more witness that He loves His children . . . every last one. As I love all of you! Thank you for everything!
Vanhin Watson

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I'm in Espoo!!

Wow, even Seth wrote me this week. :P Thanks, as always, for all your e-mails! It's been a crazy week. I know I say that every week but it is true. For one, I had to pack and move to a new area, with a new companion, new set up, new WARD (not a branch), new surroundings, new travel, new investigators, and new adventures. 

First off, I know you're all dying to know how my leg is . . . it's doing great. I limped around for a few days, and even wasn't aloud to take a shower . . . probably the first time since camping that I have NOT taken a shower in my life. It was wierd. I just had to hose down and get some here and get some there, haha. But, all is well now . . .I'm clean again and the stitches are even out. Instead of going to a doctor and having to pay, our Ward Mission Leader just took them out with some nail clippers, haha. Dan would probably laugh to hear that, but it worked!! Now it's just a scab and it's healing nicely. You should see the look on peoples faces when they hear what happened, haha. My companion back in Kouvola never wants to touch an ax again. :P

Well, I'm here in Espoo. My new companion is Elder Pope, going into his 3rd change in the country, and, thank goodness, he knows his way around the area. We take buses and trains everyday, everywhere! I'm so lost, but I think I am starting to catch on. In the few days that I have been here we have alerady acquired 4 new investigators! . . . almost more! There are people everywhere. I'm excited. We are teaching a lot more and getting to share the message a lot more. There are always things to do. One of our new investigators is a Peruvian living here because she is married to a Finn, and now has a family of her own. We got a taste of what the missionaries deal with in South America just by teaching her. . . . . now we know whay there are sooo many baptisms down there. It was AWESOME. She is so willing and so golden. Even her cousin, who was there visiting from Peru and doesn't know Finnish or English, was saying how she knows us from back home and that we have one or 2 HUGE beautiful temples there. I can't express my thoughts and feelings here that well, but, we're going back, and hopefully the fact that I have an Uncle Eddy from those parts, we'll get her progressing, :)

We now have a new mission president!! President Douglas Rawlings. We finally get to meet him in a short Zone Conference this wednesday. I hear he is from California, and a well-known lawyer. He might even have a web-site . . hint hint. Tell me what ya see. :)

It has been super hot here recently, and today has been the first cooler day in a while. Finland doesn't have air conditioning, so buses and trains and sleeping is hard and sweaty. We sleep on our apartments porch . . .we just put our beds out there, so we are basically sleeping outside in the land that doesn't get dark at night. It's fun though, and a whole lot better than inside.

In other news, there are stories and teaches to share about of all varieties, but I don't have time to share them all. But, I am adjusting well and beginning to get my feet planted here in my new area.

One last idea slash question before I leave . . . what would YOU say to those people who pull the ''Well, you were BORN in that church. . .'' Card??? Just interested to hear your feedback.

Well, the e-mail is looking choppy, must mean I gotta go, haha. Sorry, I'll try to do better but . . .I think I am still adjusting and my thoughts are everywhere. But ONE thought left would be . . as dad was telling me . . . .especially this time of year . . . .I am grateful for my freedoms and my liberties . . . for all the rights and blessings that I enjoy. I am grateful that i can worship my Savior, and serve as His representative at this time. It has been, and forever will be, more rewarding than I will ever know.

Love you all more than Layne telling me I look skinny! :)

Vanhin Watson