Monday, March 22, 2010

I'm staying!

Terve Perheni:

Once again I'll probably be all over the place today since I am low on time and have a bunch of random things to say . . . .

We weren't able to get a teach with our other investigators this past week because of their busy schedules, but we almost have another one! Her name is Sari, and we tracted into her the other day and she seemed pretty interested. Since she is younger we are trying to get a member to come with us so we can teach her. We also almost have another investigator, Anja. Vanhin Falk and Vanhin Beard contacted into her while on splits and talked to her for 40 minutes but didn't get any contact information. Yesterday we were walking home and ran into her and talked to her for a little bit. She said she would call us. Really nice lady. Then, we also have another investigator, Maire, who used to be a former investigator years ago but then missionaries were taken out I guess. So we stopped by and now she's our new investigator!

We've been walking a ton this past week, since we've been using the car a lot for traveling. As a result, I am sore and more tired, haha. Oh well. We have walked all over the city . . . . 30 minutes to here, then 40 minutes to there, then there and here and somewhere else, haha . . . .a lot.

We had our last District Meeting for this change in Savonlinna on Wednesday. It was Vanhin Oseens last one before he goes home this week, so it was extra special and fun. He was able to share a departing message and give us new ones some advice. He recalled Alma 58:12-13 and how we must all be 'fixed with a determination . . . and . . .go forth with all our might . . .' just like the Stripling warriors. He is an awesome missionary and we'll miss him. He was one of the first to welcome me in the mission field one of my first nights here. We had an activity where a few of us would sit in a circle and one of us would start teaching the 1st lesson. When a piano key was struck, the next person had to start where they left off and blend it to the next principle. And it continued till the lesson was done. It was really cool and it made us teach simpler and think faster.

After DM we went to visit one of the only 3 castles in Finland, which happened to be in Savonlinna. It was sweet, I got some awesome pictures. We all got sword letter openers at the gift shop afterwards because missionaries get a lot of mail, and it was funny. :)

Random fun stuff:
- an Athiest let us in while tracting, but only wanted to convert us to Athieism, haha
- a drunk and high guy let us in too, it was hilarious, he gave us a hug on the way out
-we saw an old mummo . . .grandma . . .walking in the middle of the road because there was no ice there. Those mummos :P
-no change calls on Saturday, so we are staying in Joensuu! It'll be my 3rd change here
-we had a snowball fight on change call night and nicknamed it 'Winter War II' haha, between Finland, me, and Russia, V. Falk. Which is fitting because he is Russian. Finland won. :)
- I think my package will finally come this week, haha, we'll see

Well family, I gotta go. I'm going to send more pictures, or I'll try to. Thanks for all the e-mails! Love it. And I love you all. Thank you for your prayers and for the updates and love. Moi Moi. Sorry its short and random this week.
Vanhin Watson

ps. Can I get a list of the family birthdays? kiitos :)

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