Hyvää Ystävänpäivää!!!!! That's Finnish for Happy Friends Day . . . yep . .FRIENDS . . .not Valentines . . . .where's the love?!!! I don't know the story behind that one, but I'd veto that one in a second.
It has been another eventful week, probably my best one in Kouvola, and I'd better dive right into it to save time . . .I hope you don't mind the usual list . . . . :P
- We had a great teach with O, our one solid progressor who can be baptized any day now. It was just us 3, the first time that has happened in a while. We really got to know him a lot better and find out where he is at on the road to baptism. The truth is, the commitment scares him . . .eli . . . probably like most converts at first, he is a bit daunted by the responsibilities and the duties that will come by becoming a member. He said he knows he'll be baptized, he just doesn't know when. We testified of the importance of putting his trust in Him, and we promised even greater blessings await him behind the door of baptism. He said that discussion helped him a lot. katsotaan . . . he's close!
- We found 3 new investigators this week . . . .that's a lot for us. :) One is an American that is here playing basketball in Finland as a pro. He played for the University of South Carolina which is a pretty good basketball school in the states. Anyways, he wants religion back in his life and thinks we can help . . .. Oh yes . .yes we can. :) Another new one is a middle aged man who has suffered from depression in his past. Of course, when we told him about the Plan of Salvation, it sparked an interest in his eyes and he told us that if he finds out that life has a purpose, he'll be baptized!! The last new one is a man I knew from Joensuu . . .crazy story. Elder Ranzenberger and I would see this guy in the streets all the time and he just loved talking to us and saying hi. He would literally flip out in excitement, in public, just by seeing us. We ended up giving him a Book of Mormon in the street but could never set up an appointment. Well, here I am in Kouvola with Elder Balls, knocking on doors, when this man shows up behind one of them. I paused, recognized him, he recognized me, did his flip out of excitement thing and let us in! Haha, turns out he just moved to Kouvola. Coincidence . . .I think not. The Lord knows who needs the gospel. He can bring us to the door, but we do the knocking.
-On Saturday we took 2 buses lasting 2 and a half hours to a small city called Loviisa to teach our investigator in the army, who is only available on weekends. We were literally 5 minutes away from arriving when we got a text from him saying he is sick and can't come. Hmmm . . .yeaaah. . .ok . . . dang. We caught the next bus out of there to another city, where we caught a train back to Kouvola so we could set up more teaches and get back to work. So 80 Euros later we arrived back home . . . a little text in the morning might have helped. haha
-We got a referral and went to go contact it in a small city called Voikkaa. . . .poe-dunk lil town . . . I don't think we talked to ONE normal person that whole night . . .and we still didn't find the referral.
-We 'resurrected' 2 former investigators from the 'dead' this week. They had dropped off the charts for a while , but we finally got in contact again and were able to stop by and teach both again. Both have promised they'd read the Book of Mormon so katsotaan . . .
-Well, our teaching pool is filling up and we are being blessed . . .only makes sense that Change Calls are this Saturday . . . already . . .we're hoping we don't get one. . .katsotaan.
-So the branch here found out that my companion plays the piano . . so guess what that means . . he's the pianist in church next Sunday. haha He wants to practice a bit because he only took lessons when he was little, haha.
Well, time flies, almost time to go, this keyboard is dying on me. Zone Conference tomorrow in Helsinki . . . have to get up at 5 to catch our train . . fun fun. District meeting on Friday. The branch is putting on a Movie Night on Friday night where they will be showing The Other Side of Heaven for investigators, friends, and all to see.
Happy Valentine's Day to all . . .eat a sugar cookie in my behalf. As for my love, it reaches out to you all. I love my Savior and this chance I have to represent Him and bring others to His outstretched hands. Remember how much more Our Father in Heaven loves you ALWAYS, more than the cookies and chocolate and hearts. Love ya all more than above zero weather . . .it's -22 right now . . . and emails from family. till next week,
Vanhin Watson
p.s. Kiitos Sisar Ballsille for the candy she gave me in her son's package!! :)
p.s.s. My emails won't send to dad or mom lately. . .soooo . . .dunno what's happening there
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